European Scrap Metal Art

Many blogs of artist later, we realize this has become a real art..created by real people, from really far fr away places. So today we are going back to Europe, for a new European Scrap Metal Art we do not get to see here in the states…enjoy!
European Scrap Metal Art
In the country side of Belgium, versus the hustle and bustle of Brussels…in a barn you will find the artist and owner of the most existential scrap art display in Europe. Artist Bart Dewolf creates his “post apocalyptic kindersuprises” Bart’s barn acts as a functioning studio,as well as his home..which to a couple of years to finish it out.
At the moment Dewolf is working on an installation that came out of a word play. ‘I had to write a short presentation text for ‘TRASH deluxe,’ an upcycling project and exhibition in Leuven.