Walmart Art
Walmart Art
At one time, not so long ago, the only way to get metal art or metal wall art was to have a local artisan create one for you. If you couldn’t find one, or even more likely, afford one, there were local art dealers in the area who would be more than happy to offer a “piece” sculpted and refined by one of Tucson’s many artist working out of their home, shop or studio. You’re probably not going to be shocked by what I’m about to tell you. Modern wall art, either in the metal, wood (drift or scrap) can be found just about anywhere…and when we say anywhere, we mean anywhere. I call it Walmart Art!
Online Shopping
As a group that prides itself on knowing the local metal artist, and of course dealing in the brokering of said metals, it would be remiss of us not to know who all of the artist in our area happen to be. Names like Jerry Hall, Richard Jones, Walmart, Target, Kohl’s and Home Depot…no not a joke. Modern artist might just be finding themselves overlooked by the average “I’d like something different on my wall” crowd. With a quick search for “metal wall art” on Google, we found no less than 30 (that’s with a 0) standard box type stores, or online mega malls that sell “metal art”. Not only do they sell these products, they obviously mark the price of these products at a passive buyer price point. For only 39.99, I too can have natural, obtuse, not ready for prime time artwork adorning my shelves and walls. Better yet, I can have it by tomorrow, if I sign up for their “prime” service.
The End Is Near
Don’t panic friends of the metal art world, these big box stores and online monolithic bargain bins are not selling artist creations. Walmart sells mass produced machine wielded nick knacks. The chances of finding real metal art at Target, is about as probable as finding a Picasso in the bargain bin at the .99 cent store. Remember, you can’t spell Walmart, without ART!